03 June 2024



A few days ago I woke up and I thought everything was pretty chill. I was dealing with the eternal fallout from some difficult decisions, I was putting one foot in front of the other and everything seemed basically okay. Hesitantly and cautiously okay but....still okay. And then it wasn't. And then I wasn't. It was fucked up. I was fucked up. It was disappointing. I was a disappointment. It was ugly, awful, damaged. I was damaged. I still am, and I don't anticipate a change in that status. This life is a fukkn mess, we humans only make it worse - and these sounds do nothing but reinforce this reality. I'm not sure what you though was going to happen when you woke up today....but it's this. 

1 comment:

FiveGunsWest said...

Life Is a Shipwreck, But We Must Not Forget To Sing in the Lifeboats